I could crank out another book – just on this topic… but for now.. a quick, down & dirty blogpost of encouragement…
Let’s talk about paths today and let me start with the encouragement – Today is not the day to quit!
There are many times that we encounter difficulties along our paths to success and there are MANY times along our paths that we want to quit and give up. Today is not that day!
Paths have rocks and mud, paths have inclines and declines, they have places that are overgrown and places you couldn’t find shade if you wanted to….
Paths have times where you can see for miles and when you can barely see the next step in front of you.
You are going to want to quit – but – Today is not that day!
In a keynote to 400 leaders last Tuesday I asked, “Anybody ever had a problem-free Year? Month? Week? Day?”
The fact is our paths are paths and all of these challenges are going to be a part of the path!
As quick as possible, get past thinking about and feeling the challenges on the path and get to:
• What does my path look like right now?
• What will it take to get me to the next part of the path?
• To get me past this part of the path?
Write it down… start working toward it!
• Have there been times when you conquered your path?
Make a note of those times – remember them – draw strength from them – DON’T live in them – but remember them!
• Have times when the path has conquered you?
Analyze these… find out what the circumstances were and break it down until the unknowns become known and you can work to remedy them.
Your path is not my path, nor the paths of those around you – each of our paths are unique AND similar – there are times when we are going to go through similar things – we are going to be on the same path at the same time – and there are times when our paths will separate and your path will not be my path – once again.
The success of someone else on their path does not limit you ability to succeed on your path!
If someone else is presently succeeding – celebrate their success with them and internally draw strength that someone is succeeding – even if it is not you – someone is succeeding and it should give you hope. You were not put on earth – to be an example of failure for those around you – failure is not your “Destiny” (see previous post) and Today is not the day to quit!
• What do you want your path to look like?
Dream, Strategize, Create the process, Work the process, Don’t Quit!
Today is not the day to quit!