(Just simple thoughts today… I hadn’t realized how long it had been since I had blogged. So here’s what I am waking up with this morning! I’ve had this theme rattling in my mind for several weeks and I thought I would share it with you… Simple thoughts AND Let’s do some AWESOME things in 2014!)
Eh… It was average….
If this time next year we were sitting around reflecting on 2014, what would you want to say?
• It was average?
• It was another year?
• Glad it’s over?
How about….
• Stellar!
• Amazing!
• I can hardly believe it!
• It was one for record books!
• 1… 4… the Ages!
So – now that we have fast forwarded and know what we want to say – let’s rewind and make it happen.
You have to start somewhere and that (where) is exactly today.
• You can’t finish if you don’t start….
• You can’t start where you want to be – you have to start where you are.
• Start while it’s ugly! Nothing is perfect the first time – Start ugly and progress to greatness!
Reality check… not reality depression – reality check.
Wherever you want to go – you can get there from here… with enough tenacity and consistent progression… you can get anywhere from where you are right now!
Reaching a goal, achieving a dream is not much different than getting to your favorite vacation spot, or gourmet restaurant. You simply need 3 things:
• Destination (where do I want to go?);
• Start point (where am I now?); and
• Directions (a process to get from A to B)
I like starting with the Destination – that’s the dream – that’s the intention – that’s the vision for the future – that’s the fuel you are going to need to keep you going! Vision provides energy and motivation!
Dream in Full color!
• What will you have achieved?
o Professionally
o Personally
o Physically
o Spiritually
o Financially
o Relationally
o Emotionally
o Educationally
Be as specific as possible. Remember: Goals aren’t reached generally – they are reached specifically!
I like putting a number on it, where possible. What’s the number? (this helps in measuring progress)
• Dream Big!
• Dream in Full Color!
• Be Specific!
One caveat: While thinking about/dreaming about my future I will, usually, check my ‘WHY?’ (Not always but usually) Sometimes I will aim for the moon just to see if I can reach it – just to stretch myself for possibilities… but the big things in life – I want them to line up with my personal ‘Why’ – My life values
Start Point
In order for you to reach the goal you must take Inventory – you must know where you are starting…
(Just tell yourself this isn’t my Destiny – this isn’t my destination… this is my starting point.)
• What’s my present reality?
• How will I get from A to B?
• What are my resources?
• How much of what I need, do I have now?
• How do I get what I need?
• What are the steps?
• What small or large action can I take today, right now, to make progress?!
I rarely think about settling… I’m not looking for average or mediocre…
I want to light it up!
In something that lights me up!
With others that want to light it up!
Let’s make 2014… 1… 4… the Ages!